History Major

The History Major consists of the following required and elective courses:
History Major Core (21 Hours)
HIS 1310 U.S. History to 1877; HIS 1320 U.S. History since 1877; HIS 2308 Research and Writing in the Social Sciences; HIS 2310 Western Civilization I; HIS 2320 Western Civilization II; HIS 2330 Non-Western Civilizations; HIS 4303 Europe since 1919
History Electives (12 Hours from the following)
HIS 3301 The Reformation Era
HIS 3310 Colonial America and the American Revolution
HIS 3332 The Early Republic, 1783-1848
HIS 3340 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIS 3343 French Revolution and Napoleon, 1787-1815
HIS 3355 The Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 1877-1920
HIS 3391 The Age of Nationalism and Imperialism: Europe, 1815-1914
HIS 4320 The World at War
HIS 4325 The Age of FDR, 1920-1945
HIS 4381 Post-War America, 1945-1974
History Capstone (3 Hours)
HIS 4382 Contemporary U.S. History and Politics